The Roman Catholic Church is one of the oldest buildings in town, which has been built in neo-roman style in 1903. Above its entrance door a work of the international-famed painter-artist Endre Muzsinszki Nagy (1886-1975) is visible. Neoclassic station paintings of the church were painted by Bela Buky (1928), while the triumphal arch, in the middle of which Patrona Hungariae is enthroned and receives homage of the Hungarian saints, is made fascinating by paintings of György Leszkovszky (1938). Stained glasses of the church have been made in the workshop of Miksa Roth. Based on dispositions of the 2nd Council of the Vatican sanctuary of the building has been rebuilt in 1980 according to scene designs of Gyorgy Osztie. The pastoforium is work of a Tyrolean master of the 17th century, the bearded, thorn crowned Christ inclining his head to the right. The largest organ of the whole-Balaton region is also to be found in the church. The instrument was constructed by Frigyes Paulus master organ-builder according to drawings of Sandor Fabian cantor. In the church there are organconcerts organized every summer with appearance of well-known domestic and foreign artists.
Church service: Saturday 19.00 Sunday 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.30, 19.00
8600 Siófok, Fő u. 57.